Photo: Marit Kaemingk
Are you looking for more soul in your personal, professional or social life? Are you unclear about your gifts or your sense of purpose in life? Do you feel like you don't fully belong? Are you struggling with a transition in your life or want to develop more leadership? Do you long for a deeper connection with yourself and nature? These are all good reasons to look for mentoring.
Together we will go out in nature to explore your inner landscape to support you to feel fully alive and capable to make life choices based on trust. Online mentoring is also possible.
You can book a single mini sitout, a series of mini sitouts, or the year-long mentoring journey which includes a four day sitout.
Never before did I have such a wonderful mentor! Lien is warm-hearted and wise, holds space with big clarity and reminded me over and over of my own responsibility. I was never alone, I always felt her energy. I could see myself taking courageous steps without having to prove Lien or anyone else anything. It was very empowering. This way I could take off layer after layer, dive deeper and with each meeting find another piece of connection to myself, the big whole and nature. The sitout was life changing, healing, nourishing and like the completion of a process of being reborn. The message of my soul has not often been so clear: this is right, this is the thing to look at right now. I take a rich harvest with me, joy is bubbling, my heart is warm, I am radiating and can carry love into the world. Thank you, Lien! - Anke
The mentoring through immersion deep in nature brought me to such essential points in my life that I could not yet touch in this way. The actual sitout touched me as deeply as the birth of my son. The depth of the ceremony is becoming clearer to me in retrospect and fills me with a deep sense of gratitude. Lien radiates a beautiful deep seriousness paired with humour and clarity that touches me in my innermost being. I am very happy and grateful for this wonderful experience and accompaniment. - Dani
I have felt deeply held in the process, gazing into the cracks where something 'more than' flows through if we let it. Such a welcoming space for all that is unseen, because it never had to be either-or, but rather both-and-and more-and changing. Deep gratitude to Lien with her roots reaching down all the way and her senses sharpened to sniff out the stories as they unfold. - Maya
Mini sitout
During a mini sitout we get out onto the land together for a few hours.
We start by grounding and slowing down. Together we clarify the question you’re holding. This might include some awareness practices and simple ritual work.
The core of the sitout is alone time in nature. You sit with your intention and observe what the silence brings you. At the end of the session we find out the deeper meaning of your experience together. We end with a fresh look onto the future and how you can weave your insights into your daily life.
Price: 200 euro/2200 sek
It is also possible to do a mini sitout online. We then meet via video call before and after the actual sit and I hold space for you while you are on the land.
A year-long mentoring
During this year-long process we meet during the different seasons and use the qualities of what is happening in nature to explore what is going on in your inner landscape. You will be given some simple practices to integrate in your daily life.
The trajectory consists of:
- four mini sitouts (one per season)
- a sitout (summer, discovering your gifts)
- a co-created ceremony (autumn, to own your gifts)